Thursday, March 4, 2010

More Signs of Spring

New shoes! Don't you love the color?


Now I just need it a tad bit warmer so they can leave the house!

OMG - picture totally makes me look like I have cankles!


Jen on the Edge said...

Cute shoes!

I'm currently on the hunt for the perfect pair of green ballet glats.

Leanne said...

Nice. What's a cankle? Or do I want to know? Okay, I'l go click the link - but I'm scared...

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Very, very cute.

Violet said...

Oh, dude...if you think those are cankles, you are never allowed to visit me after 5 p.m.

Totally cute shoes!

Anonymous said...

Those shoes RULE.

Holly (me.) said...

You do not have cankles. There is clearly a cut in between feet and calves. One really ought not to throw words like "cankle" around.
Words like "sun" on the other hand... how lovely.

blackbird said...

I'm pining for spring too.