- Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
- I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
- You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
- You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
- When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Here are her questions and my answers:
1. What childhood personality trait did you outgrow or give up since becoming an adult? Was there a reason for doing so?
I was painfully shy as a child. All of my report cards said essentially “Fannie is an excellent student, if only she would speak up in class.” (No one who knows me now believes this.) When I was in high school Sister Eustasia, my English teacher, told the class that everyone should take debate. I promptly signed up for debate the next year. (BTW? I was the only one of her students who did!) That class literally transformed my life.
2.Describe 3 daily rituals that you never miss taking part in.
Good God, I'm borderline OCD! Only three?
- I shave my legs every day. 365 days a year. No shit.
- I drink coffee and V8 juice every morning and wine every night. 365 days a year. What?
- I clean my bathrooms every day. 365 days a year. I KNOW!
I always new I would get married and have children, but I never suspected how much I would enjoy being a mother and a homemaker. It was the best job I ever had and I miss it every day.
4. Given no limitations, what would be your ultimate vacation?
I kind of already had it, but no limitations? I'd bring my whole family and do it for six months.

Several years ago the Saint and I spent two weeks in Italy and in the middle of the vacation we rented a villa in Tuscany with friends for a week.

It was absolute bliss!
5. Write your first sentence/paragraph for NPR's "This I believe."
I believe you should be nice to the new kid. I moved around a lot growing up. Three elementary schools on the east coast, junior high in the Rockies and high school in the Midwest. I have a lot of empathy for the new kid; even as adults they're everywhere Introduce yourself, introduce them to anyone you know that has things in common with them. Offer to take them to a meeting, invite them to a luncheon, put them at your table for a church event.
Now it's your turn. If you want to be interviewed leave me a comment. I'll interview the first five to leave a comment.
P.S. Happy Valentine's Day
No interview for me, but I do like your "This I Believe."
You clean the bathrooms every day?! Like with a Clorox wipe or full on scrubbing the toilet?
I'd love to be interviewed. Bring it on.
2. Amen.
3. Seriously? I applaud you.
Interview me. I'm running a little short on blog thoughts of late... need the writing prompts from the blogosphere.
This was awesome--but you? Are wicked clean! Holy smokes!
Shy, eh? I had a similar problem, but moving sort of forced me to leave it behind--sink or swim, you know. Love your essay topic, consequently.
I don't want an interview, but I liked reading your answers. I now feel like I don't drink nearly enough wine. And that I should clean my bathrooms more often. ;)
I would love to go to Italy, it looks so beautiful!
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