Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Excusified, as defined by Urban Dictionary:

1. Something/Something that's full of excuses.

2. Expecting remedy for what someone didn't do or was suppose to do.

3. Talking nonsense; full of shit.

Big Ass Event…blah…blah…blah

Precious Oldest home for Spring Break…blah…blah…blah…

Annual audit at work…blah…blah…blah

Precious Youngest home for Spring Break…blah….blah….blah

So many bloggable moments so little time.


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Everyone gets to excusify once in a while! Welcome back.

Violet said...

We'll be here when you have time. Waiting ever so patiently. Really. Don't worry about us. We're fine.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to use that word now, you know.

Holly (me.) said...

Yes. Exactly. I have needed a bit of excusifying of late, too. Why is the best blog-fodder often the very stuff that keeps one from blogging at all?!

Jen on the Edge said...

You are excused. :-)