Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Currently Pissing Me Off

When I make a salad and go to the refrigerator:

I don't want to find only the REMNANTS of my last batch of balsamic vinaigrette .

When I go to the pantry for a snack:

I don't want to find THREE boxes of the SAME open snacks.

When I reach for a piece of chocolate :

I don't want to find someone has eaten all the dark chocolates leaving only the stupid peanut ones.

On the PLUS side - the tomatoes are coming in!

Only the cherry tomatoes, but I'll take what I can get!


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I'm not sure that salad dressing can even be called remnants!

Cute still-life with tomatoes.

smalltownme said...

My tomatoes suck. The year I had the one vounteer tomato, it produced tremendously! Survival of the fittest!

This year with 3 intentional plants, not so good. I do not recommend the Topsy Turvy planter...that looks the worst so far.

Anonymous said...

I'd be honked off, too.
The tomatoes are small consolation.

Violet said...

The chocolate is the real killer! I don't like the stupid peanut ones, either.

Unfortunately I don't have anyone to get mad at when this happens at my house because I live alone.

ree said...

snirk. I'm not even going to make a comment about the still life. Because you know where MY mind went. ;-)

But tomatoes! Yay!

Peanut chocolate? Ugh.

Holly (me.) said...

We have that same annoying sort of multiplicity that encourages staleness lamented among your snacks in our breakfast cereal boxes.
Your dark chocolates could be in the bottom of our candy dish because The Boy has thing for the peanut ones, but no fondness for the dark. He's helpful like that!

Glennis said...

So, you must live with men and boys, I guess?

My kitchen is full of multiple packages, open, of the same item - the resident boy or man was too impatient to look for the already open package, so they opened the one in the pantry.

My fridge is full of multiple open jars of pickles, olives, and mayonnaise.

Thanks for your visit - let's do talk gardening!! thanks to Jenn for sending you over!