Monday, November 10, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The good...

You may recall we had yet another college visit scheduled for today. In one of our sessions this afternoon I thought one of the panelists looked very familiar. When she introduced herself I bounced up and down in my seat just a little. She was the professor who taught my very first history of art class. She was fairly new to the university at the time and, since I always sat in the front row, we got to know each other quickly.

Her enthusiasm for her subject of the class was so contagious that I took another art history course, and then another, and another, and the next thing I knew I had myself a double major. When our art museum was looking for a new director, she asked me to serve as the student representative on the search committee. She was also largely responsible for the departmental award I received my senior year. I've kept up with her career and family through department newsletters over the years.

I went to speak with her after the session and she's just as warm and enthusiastic as she was twenty plus years ago. Many years have passed since I last saw her, she is the Chair of the department now, but we talked as though I had stepped out of her classroom days rather than decades ago. I have to say I'm still smiling!

The bad...

On to another topic; I am ready to smack a certain seventeen year old. I know she's tired, I know she's stressed, I know she has a lot on her plate. But so help me - the craptastic attitude has GOT TO GO!

The ugly...

I leave you with one last thing. If an automobile engine runs out of oil, guess what happens? I should have prizes for Ree and Susan. I'm just sayin'. *sigh*


Swirl Girl said...

someday , she'll understand that you are doing this for her ....or maybe she knows now, but is just too 17 cool to admit it to you.

and - the oil running out? Bummer.
I've done that too.

Holly (me.) said...

Sorry about the vivid eye owee. Thanks for pointing out the yuck factor...

Shelley said...

How fun, meeting your old teacher again! And nice to know that she still has that enthusiasm...I think with a lot of teachers, it wears off. Glad hers hasn't.

Teenage girl attitude...Bleh.

Leanne said...

I got a fourteen year old over here you can smack for me too, when you're done with yours. This attitude thing is driving me NUTS.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Oh no--I found out the running out of oil thing when I was 18. Thank goodness my grandpa was able to replace the cracked block.

Susan said...

The good--I love art history people! One of my best friends is one. She even spent 2 years in Florence getting her master's. Love to go to museums with her!

The bad--Yeah, can't deal with the ATTITUDE. I've even had one myself a time or ten!

The ugly--Yay! I win a prize! Not so yay if the prize is said useless engine block!

Hugs, dear! If you lived nearby, I'd bring over some of those yummy eggs you were lusting after. They're the cure for what ails ya!

Anonymous said...

NO! It ran out of oil? I'd be so ticked....
Good luck with the attitude. I had a terrible one at that age and it's a wonder I didn't get kicked out of my parents' house sooner!

Anonymous said...

I think it's hilarious that Susan and I wrote almost the EXACT same thing! Right next to each other...