That means that all you folks out there READING here, but failing to comment, are suppose to come out of the woodwork and say "Hi". I promise I'll clickety click right over to your place and have a look around. And leave a damn COMMENT already. Sheesh.
I didn't know today was de-lurking day! I'm not a lurker, but I'll leave you a comment anyway. I liked your last post about Precious Oldest and her dinner party. It's always nice to get confirmation that perhaps you're doing this mom thing right after all? :)
Not so much with the lurking, but here's your comment...
damn comment. ;-)
Okay, so I don't lurk. Kinda takes all the fun out of being a loudmouth. Snirk.
Hi. :) But I'm not so good at lurking, I leave that for the shy people. Um, I blog, I'm not shy.
I confess... I'm a lurker... so here's me... delurking! Thanks for all the laughs.
I coulda SWORE I left a comment yesterday. Go figure. So, as with everything else in my life, I'm late! LOL Love your blog! You are officially on my blogroll. :)
A few days late, but better late then ever. I enjoy my visits here. Keep up the good work.
This is my first visit here and I sure wish I had known about de-lurking day so that I could've celebrated on my blog!
Okay! you sound some sort of fun girl to say 'Hi' to, so Hi to you.
I am a sort of newbie at this, and according to some have the disadvantage of age and living in the UK. Neither is all that bad really... the grass is always greener etc.
So Nice to have dropped in however I got here( I can't now remember) but I shall come back somehow.
Love Granny (*!*)
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