Friday, January 2, 2009

Grace in Small Things, part 8 of 365

This is how I started 2009

  1. Hot Coffee
  2. Warm sun on a cold day
  3. Flannel P.J.s
  4. Crossword puzzles
  5. A day off
  6. Mimosas (On a previous list, but what can I say?)


Holly (me.) said...

Mmmm. Sounds like the start of a potentially perfect day.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a heavenly morning.

Violet said...

Mimosas are appropriate for any and all lists. ;)

Swirl Girl said...

Sounds like you had a great day !

Happy New Year indeed!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

And cute p.j.s!

Anonymous said...

Mimosas are a good thing to be doubly grateful for!

Little Miss Sunshine State said...

Hot coffee and Crosswords would also be on my list.

Vanessa said...

Hot coffee and a day off? Perfect!