Monday, January 26, 2009


Remember my turkey experiment? OMG, it was wonderful! I was surprised how much the turkey browned up in the crock pot, then I put it under a low broiler for about five minutes and the skin was perfectly crisp.

I ended up with four cups of stock after I skimmed off the fat. I made gravy with some and froze the rest. I should also note that when I was tasting the gravy I realized I'd forgotten to season the breast with some thyme before cooking, so I added some directly to the gravy which worked out just fine. All in all it was delicious.


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

It sounds like a great way to do it. What size turkey did you use?

Anonymous said...

My stomach is growling.

Holly (me.) said...

I have one that lives under the cabinet (a crockpot--- not a turkey) and it might like to see the light of day on occasion. Hmmm. Any idea what temperatures are meant by "low" and "high"?

Dysd Housewife said...

I have always wondered what turkey would be like done in the CP. I am definitely going to give this one a try!

Daisy said...

Must be one big crockpot!

Debie Napoleon said...

Looks good, BTW I like the glasses and you will get used to it. Promise.

Madame Queen said...

How long did it cook in the crock pot? It looks delicious!

Leanne said...

This sounds like cooking. What?!? You raise smart kids and cook? And here I thought we could be friends...... Sigh. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yum. I do love turkey with the perfectly crisp skin.

BTW, I tagged you for a photo meme.