Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fannie Gets It

There many things Fannie doesn't get. MANY things.

Fannie doesn't get texting or twitter. Fannie does not have a Facebook page. Fannie does not get the appeal of "Lost" , "American Idol" or "Survivor".

Fannie doesn't get drivers who drive slow in the fast lane OR drivers who fail to yield for pedestrians in crosswalks.

Fannie doesn't get parents who refuse to set, or follow through with, consequences for their children and then stand there shaking their heads wondering "what went wrong?"

Fannie does not get how, IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, her achingly beautiful but unordered kitchen counter tops sink lower and lower on the list of financial priorities.

Yes, dear readers, the list of things that elude Fannie goes on and on.

But there is one thing that Fannie most emphatically DOES get and that is Mrs. G. Go check out the new digs. You'll thank me.


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

We would get along so well.

Anonymous said...

What Jenn said. I have both of you as kindred spirits in the blogosphere!

Holly (me.) said...

Your kitchen counters are probably holed up somewhere with mine. One of these days...

Anonymous said...

Your kitchen counters and my bathroom re-do.

And Mrs. G's new site is awesome.

Anonymous said...

I relate to everything on your list, with one exception. Lost. Lord, I love it, and I can't explain why.

Leanne said...

Wow. You're me. Mrs. G looks good too, I'll check back.

Swirl Girl said...

there are so many things I don't get - the list of things I actually DO get is getting smaller and smaller.

off to check out Mrs. G