Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Any gardener worth their salt knows that upkeep is crucial. I find a daily dose in the early morning is a huge help. I get home from the gym about 6:45 AM, long before the heat of the day is intolerable. I grab a paper grocery bag (for weeds and other garden debris), my clippers and my basket.

In April and May I checked daily for asparagus. In another month it will be tomatoes. Now, and through the summer, I'll check in on my roses. I deadhead as needed, and clip what I want for daily use. I fill cups with tepid water, re-cut the stems, and arrange them when I get a chance later in the day.

Fifteen minutes early in the day means I'll have roses

for every


in the house

all summer long!


Daisy said...

You have way too much energy in the morning, but those buds make it worth it!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Get back at 6:45 a.m.???

Suburban Correspondent said...

Unlike Jenn, I am going to try to ignore what you said about the gym.

Anonymous said...

Love that. Am envious of those roses. In every room? I bet it smells beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I have garden envy!!! And I really love that basket.