Inspiration that is. Lots going on, but I can’t seem to formulate a cohesive thought. Still working on the big ass grant due Friday. I will be glad when it is no longer hanging over my head. I’m starting to dream about the damn thing.
We leave for Colorado at O’Dark Hundred on Sunday morning for a ski
vacation trip. If you’ve never gone on a ski
vacation trip, trust me when I tell you it’s a TRIP not a vacation. It will be the four of us, my parents, Sib #2's three kids, and Sib#4. The logistics are making me feel faint.
I’ve dug out most of the ski stuff. Had to replace a few things. Stupid youngest child still GROWING. Please STOP. I fixed and froze
Goulash on Sunday for one of our evening meals. My mother has something prepared and frozen as well. The rest we’ll figure out when we get there.
Precious Oldest was back last weekend for a brief visit. It was the regional Robotics competition. She wanted to see her sister’s team and visit with the folks who were still around from her team last year. I have pictures, just need to get them uploaded.
If you don’t know anything about the F.I.R.S.T. robotics competition,
read this. It’s pretty interesting and a lot of fun. I’m proud of my girls (who are readers, writers, speakers) for getting involved in a more math/science thingy that’s a touch out of their comfort zone. Oh, and precious Youngest's alliance took second place, missed going to nationals by FOUR points.
The Saint is leaving town again today. This makes three weeks in a row. It’s only been three nights each trip, but I still don’t like it. Especially when we still have a lot we need to pull together for this trip. And he’s going to miss the blur of Precious Youngest walking across the stage tonight to receive her “Academic Excellence” award. Sheesh.
I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow. My stylist is pregnant and due in June. The first thing I said when I found out was "Congratulations", the second was "But what about my HAIR?". Nice, right?
My, I’ve rambled a bit. Thanks for listening. Sometimes I need to get this stuff out of my head to make room for thinking about the things I need to DO RIGHT NOW.