Wednesday, October 17, 2007

In which reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated

DUDES! Not dead, just gasping for air. I work for a not-for-profit organization and we held our annual golf tournament on Monday. We only have three employees, so needless to say coordinating events is only a fraction of what I do. In a seven day time span (in addition to all the usual) I held a volunteer training and dinner, had a bimonthly Board of Directors meeting, coordinated a brunch for some of our golfers (complete with patient visits at a hospital), attended a dinner with event sponsors, and ran the golf tournament. My hair hurts, my bones ache, I need a vacation. Oh, and I have a grant due next week that is only about a quarter completed. GAAHH!!

I do however have some good news! In no particular order:

1. My brother (sib #5) is coming for a visit.

2. I am participating in a murder mystery dinner with my GNO group on Friday. The setting is a speak-easy in Chicago in 1928. YAY! FUN! BOOZE!

3. We FINALLY replaced our digital camera (it took a little “swim” on our beach vacation this summer), so in short order I’ll be able to include pictures with my posts.

4. Precious Youngest has her second Homecoming dance this weekend and despite many hints, I did not cave and get another dress. (She is however, borrowing one from a friend who attends a different High School.)

So despite my recent neglect, there should be tales to tell in the near future.


Daisy said...

I wondered what happened to you!!

Patti said...

How did you pull off a golf tournament here in monsoonville? Congrats on surviving. Nice to have you back.

Shelley said...

The murder-mystery sounds FUN! I've always wanted to do one of those. Well, not do one as in organize it, but participate in one that someone else has done all the work for. :) You'll have to tell us about it.

Glad you got a new camera, now I'll be waiting for some pictures.

Fannie said...

Queen: Monsoons? You aint woofin there sister!