Saturday, October 27, 2007

In which we are more like Best Friends than Mother and Daughter

This is what I came home to find Friday after work:

The note was left by Precious Youngest. And while I admire her choice of note paper (its mine not hers people, geez!), I'm not sure I'll ever see that fleece again damn it!

P.S. They did win the football game, I'm sure in large part to my fleece's assistance with the "blackout".


Suburban Correspondent said...

I cannot even imagine receiving such a friendly note from my teenage daughter. Not in my wildest dreams....

Patti said...

My dear fannie mae, we must meet before your precious youngest heads off to an institute of higher learning. My relationship with my second was similar and I cried for two weeks solid when she went to college. She was my best friend. Now I can watch her drive away and not sob uncontrollably every time. I guess I finally realized that was what I was grooming her for... that and with her gone she stopped borrowing my favorite scarf (wait, I need to make sure it did not leave when she moved out this fall). Nice to have that with your daughter. ( but kiss that polar fleece goodbye)

Shelley said...

Oh, I can totally imagine a note like that from my teenager. If she had taken something of mine and didn't want me to be mad at her. As in, "Thanks for the sweatshirt Mommy, I loovve you sooooo much!" Yeah, I wouldn't plan on getting it back. Kudos if you do. My daughter is always sweet to me, as long as things are merrily going her way. :)

Fannie said...

Ahem, yes Shelly. Exactly right, when things are going HER way.

Fannie said...

Ahem, yes Shelly. Exactly right, when things are going HER way.