Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Talking to my sister on my way to her house last night:

Fannie: “Have you made any headway with the packing?”

Sib #2: “Oh, yeah. I think you could even wait until tomorrow to come over.”

Fannie: “Really? Are all the pictures off the walls?”

Sib #2: “Yes!”

Fannie: “Honestly?”

Sib #2: “YES!”

Fannie: “If I come over there, will I think the pictures are off the walls?”

Sib #2: …………………

Sib #2: “no”

Sib #2: “WAAAHHH! I hate moving!”

Fannie: “Oh for Pete's sake, I’m pulling into your driveway now!”


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

You sound just like me talking to my kids!

Vanessa said...

Sounds like you know your sis pretty well! To her defense, moving is never fun!