Charming, no? How I invited everyone to come out of hiding and then left them DANGLING with no post for days and days? Sheesh.
I was blaming my absence on the fact that I’m just not feeling like myself, but then I realized that this is EXACTLY how my self feels every winter. Drive, ambition, gumption? Pfft, out the window.
All I want to do is sleep, eat and drink. And watch really bad television. (
OMG – the new “Real Housewives”? Better than EVER!) I come home from work and put my pajamas on. I shuffle around the house and consider ordering pizza for dinner like some sort of slacker. I look at my lap top and can’t be bothered to turn it on. It is dark, it is cold, I am miserable.
Speaking of television (What? I was!), you remember that
Sib#2 lives right
around the corner ? Well her cable company (we have several options in the ‘hood) does not get BRAVO. Travesty I know, right? So she comes over to our place to get her BRAVO fix.
Last night was "Top Chef". We were very disappointed that Jersey got sent home. (There are so many contestants at the beginning of these shows that we can't be bothered learning their names so we give them nicknames that sort of stick.) It was the first time we felt let down. When Bronx started whining about missing his family we knew he'd be the next to go. When Bangs and Sleeves got the boot we totally saw it coming. But Jersey? Man, we LIKED her! Meanwhile Angry Girl, Slacker, Frenchy (though Frenchy MIGHT get re-named Douchey), Boy Next Door, Makin the Pasta and Crazy Eyes will live to see another week.
What gets you through the cold winter nights?