Saturday, November 17, 2007

Everybody's working for the weekend

I don't know how you're enjoying YOUR Saturday, but mine will be spent judging debate.

All damn day!


Suburban Correspondent said...

I'm spending mine watching my husband cursing in the kitchen - and trying to keep the kids out of his way.

Patti said...

I am enjoying this beautiful day by raking ten thousand pounds of leaves...and teaching a yoga class...not at the same time. Hope your team won!

Shelley said...

Well, how did it go? At least you didn't have to do the 8am shift?

I spent my Saturday watching the Ohio State/Michigan game, then listening to a bunch of bitching as I told my lovely daughters to make themselves look presentable, as we were going to a nearby park so I could take a picture of the three of them to use as a Christmas card. They love me. Then we ran some errands and went home.

My life is so exciting. :)

Fannie said...

SC - Mine is swearing in the bathroom at the moment.

Queen - That was LAST weekend over here!

Shelley - I don't DO 8AM on Saturday.